Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Over the past month....

Wow, its been an entire month since i've updated my blog. I've been updating my mom's blog, but have sadly neglected mine. So here's for a month's worth of update...

I've been back in forth from Goldsboro and Greenville several times. Mama and I have had so much fun staying up late and just having alot of girl time. There were several nights that i'm falling asleep on the couch and mama is wide awake. Who knows where this energy came from. Now I'm not talking its only 11 PM and i'm falling asleep. I had very good reason to be falling asleep at 2 AM. :D. We watched all of season 1 of 7th Heaven, and are only 4 episodes of completing season 2! Too bad that was the only seasons I have. Maybe I'll find seasons 3 on a good sale somewhere! and then seasons 4-11 :D. Yeah, I didn't realize there were that many seasons! My Aunt Judy came over a couple nights to spend the night and we had really fun girl nights!

While I've been back to my house I've been trying to decorate for fall... but its not as easy as one would think for a condo. There's not really room outside to decorate much and just as little room inside to do much. I went shopping with my friend Caroline on saturday. It was so good to see her. I hadn't seen her since May. She had gone to work at a camp for the summer, and since she's been back I've either been out of town, or our schedules just didn't work out! My hubby has been such a good hubby! Everytime I've come back home, he's had the house clean for me so I didn't have to worry about that!

Now, I have to get us packed and ready for our trip to DISNEY!!!!WOOT!!! I'm so excited to be going. I haven't been since I was 6 yrs old! Brad and Cheryl are coming to our house thursday and then all 4 of us will leave Friday morning bright and early to head to Florida! I will post pics when we get back!

Time now to get ready for the day and go meet the hubby for a lunch date!